Our Lady Of Good Health Vailankanni
USA Project ( Planning Stage )
The Chapel
At Our Lady’s Tank
The first apparition of Our Blessed Mother
Mary took place near a small pond in
Vailankanni. It is considered the holiest
place in all of Vailankanni. For hundreds of
years the faithfull have been making
piligrimages to this place to petition
Mother Mary and to receive her favors.
The water from the pond was considered
holy and many miraculous cures were
experienced by those who petitioned her
here. A chapel has been erected here over
the pond to protect and preserve it.
Topping our USA project wish list is to help
raise the funds to build an exact replica of
this chapel in the Orlando, Florida area.
Details of where ?, how ? and when ? will
be posted here when we are ready to
move forward.
Approach local catholic parishes about installing a statue of Our Lady of Good Health in their church.
Help raise funds to cover the cost of all materials, labor etc.